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Beijing Fu Hui Charity Foundation • Health Qigong Special Fund Formally Announced

On November 11, Beijing Fu Hui Charity Foundation • Health Qigong Special Fund jointly established by International Health Qigong Federation(IHQF) and Beijing Fu Hui Charity Foundation was formally announced. Yang Chunbo, IHQF President, Chang Jianping, Executive Vice President and Secretary-General of IHQF, and An Husheng, Founding President of Beijing Fu Hui Charity Foundation attended the opening ceremony.

The purpose of the Health Qigong Special Fund is to promote the international development of Health Qigong, share the Chinese culture, stress the Health Qigong story, build a community of human destiny and promote the global sharing of Chinese civilization. Beijing Fu Hui Charity Foundation, as a fund management platform, will work with IHQF to explore a sustainable public service model for Health Qigong in promoting cultural development, serving the public and promoting social harmony. Both parties will integrate respective advantages in social resources, especially the entrepreneurs and social celebrities who are at home and abroad who love traditional Chinese culture. They will promote the international development of Health Qigong and benefit the health of the world's people.

The special fund's work direction is to subsidize the establishment of the Health Qigong Specialized College or special courses by IHQF in the global universities. It also assists the IHQF in promoting the Health Qigong media of the Belt and Road initiative, and assists the IHQF in setting up special awards such as Huatuo Health Qigong Award, Best Form Award, Success Education Award, Quality Product Award, Promotion Award, Charity Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award; to promote Health Qigong into large-scale enterprises and institutions and some important platforms; to carry out the promotion of charity work based on the IHQF core work and donors' wishes.
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