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Teach You How to Practice the Stance Exercise(Ⅲ)


Loose the body, no standing stiffly

For the beginners, the processr of elaxing and imagining is the process of practicing the stance exercise. Along with the furth practice, exercisers can adjust the postures naturally in the process of visualizing, so the stance exercise means standing lively, instead of standing in a rigid, silly and dull state. The  more relaxed the various parts of  body are, the better the effects of exercising. If the exercisers can feel soft under their feet, and integrate the feet with the floor, that is right. The beginners must focus on the relaxation and imagination, then the heart is naturally quiet, breath becomes smooth. Thus the body will become soft and relaxed, the body and mind can be relaxed.

Study and training hard, taking a refresher course

Exercisers will feel boring in the exercise, if there is no transitional movements. And although the exercise is easy to learn, the connotation essentials of the the stance exercise is difficult to comprehend in a short time, and the vigour can not be experienced by practicing a few times. The beginners may be confused and find it difficult to enter the state. They should study and train hard repeatedly and continue to take a refresher course, then acquire the benifits.

Seeking for activity from stillness, remaining undisturbed

The stance exercise requires seeking for activity from stillness, that is exercising the spirit, Qi and vatility within. The "activity" means the activity of the Vigor, the idea and the blood, which is controlled by the mind. If the exerciser is out of mind, the spirit can not collaborate with Qi within. Therefore, exercisers should be absorbed, loose the body, take soft, even, deep, and long breaths, so as to achieve the smooth flow of Qi and calm of the body.

Ceasing the wild fancy , keeping concentration

The consciousness is the key point in the practice of Health Qigong, so the use of consciousness is very important in the stance exercise. But do not imagin the move of Qi, that is, using the consciousness but no running of Qi. "Care the consciousness rather than running of Qi. Caring the Qi leads to the stagnation." Beginners should not feel the interior strength consciously, because the brain can not do it, and it should be perceived by clean heart. In the process of practice, exercisers shall cease the wild fancy, keep concentration and focus on the use and conversion of awareness. If the exercisers can enhance the stance exercise, it will get twofold results with half the effort.

(By Zhang Caiqin)

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