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Teach You How to Practice the Stance Exercise(Ⅰ)

The stance exercise is contained in all methods of Health Qigong, such as the movements in the preparation position and close form of each set of exercises. If the exercisers can enhance the stance exercise, it will get twofold results with half the effort.

Characteristics and functions

Learn easily and prolong life

The stance exercise is not only the way for exerciasers to master Health Qigong, but also the key links to improve the fitness effects. The distinct characteristic of the stance exercise is that the movements are simple and easy to learn and practice without side effects, regardless of location or time limit and free from others' influence. Stand upright stump like a stump in a state of external stillnesss and internal activity, breath naturally. Exercisers can begin and stop the the stance exercise at any time. Through strengthening the stance exercise, exerciasers are more likely to enter the state of standing quietly and meditating, and they can restrain the strained central nerve system quickly, in order to achieve the replenish of essence, and facilitate the circulation of blood, which has the effcts of strengthening the body resistance, preventing disease and prolong life.

Cultivate the vatility and clear the mind

There are a series of posture essentials in the stance exercise, such as relaxing the shoulders and lower the elbows, slightly lifting the head as if propping up something, relaxing the waist and the abdomen, keeping the neck upright, etc., which facilitates the Qi movement. Although this method seems simple, its effect is very nice. Because the stance exercise is an important mean to regulate the will (the surface awareness), Qi and mind (deep consciousness or the subconscious). In the way of standing quietly and by using the thinking and consciousness, the exerciasers enter a relatively static state of the body and mind, which can smooth the meridians, enhance the Qi and blood circulation, nourish the vitality, achieve the balance of yin and yang of the body and cultivate the vatility. The stance exercise can also exercise the nerve ending and increase the reaction sensitivity. Meanwhile, standing quietly and meditating can cause activity of deep consciousness, so the stance exercise is the process of awakening human consciousness within the body in a static state.

Be empty in the upper and full in the lower, settling Qi into Dantian

The mental and physical requirements of the stance exercise are that "Be empty in the upper and full in the lower, settling Qi into Dantian". "Be empty in the upper" refers to the relaxed state of the upper limbs and trunk, as well as quiet and tolerant of the heart. "Be full in the lower" not only refers to the steadiness of lower body, but the connotation of settling Qi into Dantian. Settling Qi into Dantian does not means Qi sinks into the Dantian really, but because Dantian is a source of Qi movement. In a state of relaxed and quiet of the body and mind, exercisers are able to mobilize the Qi movement from  Dantian. At this point, there is a clear and bright sense in the heart, and the lower abdomen is substantial, which makes people feel like that Qi sinking into the lower abdomen. Thus, it is only a sense caused by substantial lower abdominal Qi resulting from the sinking and relxing of strenth. The stance exercise is a synchronized exercise of awareness and physical, which can enhance the internal strength, but also increase the strength of the legs. In the practice process, the lower limbs of the body and the knees are in the active state, the blood of body is sufficient and it will accelerate the blood flow, which facilitates the whole body come alive. Through long-term practice, it can strengthen the waist and legs, enhance the strength of whole body and improve the stability of the limbs when exercising Health Qigong.

(By Zhang Caiqin)

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