The working method of heart-kidney harmonious interaction of Health Qigong
There is a pattern of "sea water" or "river water" in the bottom of the Picture of Inner Scripture, and the metaphor of the water is the filled kidney essence, which is also called Kanshui.
Daoyin in the Daoyin Picture(Ⅱ)
There are numerous Daoyin means in ancient and modern China. They are different from each other; however, the basic element of all of them is the adjustment of body, breathing and thoughts (the so-called “three regulations”).
Daoyin in the Daoyin Picture(Ⅰ)
During the 4000-5000years development of Chinese Qigong, many valuable Daoyin pictures have been made. For example, the Daoyin Picture excavated from Ma Wang Dui,
Xing Qi in the Xing Qi Inscription (Ⅱ)
The circle of Qigong hasn’t reached an agreement on which Qigong methods is involved in the Xing Qi inscription. The author agrees with the following two opinions.
Xing Qi in the Xing Qi Inscription (Ⅰ)
The Jade with Xing Qi inscription is also called Xing Qi Inscription. It is a pair of small hollow jade pillars, with 12 faces and a height of 1.3cm, locating in Tianjing Museum.
“Dancing” on the Painted-Pottery Pot(Ⅱ)
The Chinese word “Wu” (namely “dancing”) can be a verb, which means “to shake”, while “Dao” means “to exercise with lower limbs”. Therefore, “Wu Dao” means “to shaking your arms and moving your legs to get exercises for the whole body”. The pictures on the pot show that the dancers are taking a whole body exercises in a quick rhythm and with a large range of movements. If the dancers in the pictures are the patients, then it coincides with the account about using dancing to cure illnesses in the Lush • Chennai and Lu Shi.
“Dancing” on the Painted-Pottery Pot(Ⅰ)
The painted-pottery pot is also called painted-pottery pot with dancing lines because of the dancing pictures drawn on its inner wall. Excavated from Sunji village in Datong County in Qinghai province in 1957, it is still the only one precious cultural relic which is related to the origin of Chinese Qigong so far.
The meaning of "lifting anus" and “loosing anus " in Health Qigong
There are two patterns of pedal waterwheel in the below of the Picture of Inner Scripture, in which a virgin boy and a virgin girl step on the waterwheel with feet respectively. It is strange that the wheels of the waterwheel do not contact the surface of the water, but painted on the rocks, and the river is below the rock. How can this kind of waterwheel work?
The functions of “settling Qi into elixir field” and omphaloskepsis in Health Qigong
The elixir field is fundamental for human lives, and it is divided into the lower elixir field, middle elixir field and upper elixir field, which store the three treasures, e.g. essence, Qi and spirit. The physique strength of human and survival or extinction all rely on the vitality of elixir field.