Routine 3 Hu Exercise
Turn the palms over after outward turning and then turn them inward, face palms to the navel at the same distance, rise and withdraw at distance of 10cm to navel, expand palms outward with a slight squat and expiration.
Movement gist: exhale a hu word with lips and mouth in circle, air flows in the mouth, inhale while gathering palms inward, and exhale while expanding palms outward.
Common error: hold palms higher than waist and navel and expand palms with straightened back and protruding belly.
Correction: embrace the belly with palms facing the navel, sit back after expanding palms outward and exhale with a hu word.
Role: Hu exercise corresponds to the spleen, and is good to regulate the spleen and stomach. The opening - closing and expansion - shrinkage stimulates peristalsis, helps digestion, resolves stagnation and clears up belly.
Routine 4 Si Exercise
Slowly stretch knees and uphold hands, raise palms and drop elbows just beside body, cross hands with finger tips upward, lower head, contract neck and expand shoulder and chest outward. Push palms forward and exhale with a Si word, slightly bend knees with palm center facing forward, rotate arms outward and then turn inward, round in and stretch knees with finger tips crossed.
Movement gist: align front teeth and leave a gap, exhale with tongue reaching lower teeth, push palms forward and exhale with a Si sound, gradually withdraw and inhale with nose.
Common error: raise, unfold, expand and contract at the same time, lower head and contract neck with chin up.
Correction: raise, unfold, expand, contract in order, lower head and contract neck with chin down.
Role: Si exercise corresponds to the lung and is god to regulate it, promote integration of Qi and blood in lung, prevent and cure diseases of shoulder, back and cervical vertebra.
(By Jia Liansheng)