Setting foot on the ground and forward leaning stage
Setting foot on the ground and forward leaning stage refers to the process of starting from the highest point of the left hip and leaning forward to the highest point of the left shoulder. During the entire setting foot on the ground and forward leaning stage, the exerciser should move forward the body gravity center, set the left foot on the front left of the ground, face forward the toe of the left foot, slowly straighten the right leg, turn right the body, rotate the arm inward and lean forward, place the left fist at the upper front of the left knee and turn the heart of fist left, and place the right fist behind the body and turn the heart of fist backward.
It is found in the analysis of biomechanical technology that, the features of the gravity center changes of this movement for the high-level exercisers are: the body gravity center uniformly descends with an evenly amplitude, which corresponds to the process of setting foot on the ground; and then the body gravity center moves forward steadily and unchangeably, which corresponds to the forward-leaning movement; on the whole, the changes of body gravity center form a “L” type. The gravity center changes of this movement for the beginners are: the body gravity center firstly descends and then enters a short stable period and ascends obviously afterwards, and the changes of body gravity center form an open “U” type.
Setting foot on the ground and forward leaning movement is bound to lead to significant decrease of the exerciser’s body gravity center height. However, the features of body gravity center changes for the high-level exercisers are different from that for the beginners. The high-level exercisers descend the body gravity center slowly during the process of setting foot on the ground and forward leaning while the beginners descend the body gravity center more quickly during this process. The process of setting foot on the ground and forward leaning is actually a process of slowly moving the gravity center downward and forward and thereby stimulating the landing and buffering of the lower limbs. Only the slow and steady movement can reflect the clumsy and steady state of the bear, thus to achieve similar form as requested by Bear Swaying movement. But even more important, this slow and powerful movement will produce moderate vibration and massage against the hips at landing instant, thus playing good health promotion role for the waist and the entire body.
(By Bian Junyi)