您现在所在的位置: 首页 Notices Cover Image Collection for the 5th "Health Qigong" magazine, 2018
Cover Image Collection for the 5th "Health Qigong" magazine, 2018

In order to promote the "2018 World Health Qigong Day", "Health Qigong" magazine is now collecting the cover picture of the 5th issue of 2018. Requirements are as follows:

1. Photographs must be displayed for the 2018 World Health Qigong Day event;
    2. The photo should fully demonstrate the characteristics of Health Qigong and the collective display momentum. Both the whole or partial close-up photos are ok. It is possible to perform a specific action. (there are some example images for reference)
    3. The resolution of the photo is best at 300dpi, the size of the jpg format photo is more than 5M;
    4. Please indicate the time, place and author's name of the photo.

 “Health Qigong” magazine will select ONE photo for the cover of the 5th issue of 2018. Other photos can be selected as part of the "World Health Qigong Day Activity Highlights" in the 5th issue of 2018.

Please send the photos before Sept. 15th, 2018 to: 466617683@qq.com.


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