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Description of the Revision of the “Regulations of Evaluation on International Health Qigong Duan”

Since the release of the "Regulations of Evaluation on International Health Qigong Duan" (Draft) on August 2016, over 2100 people have obtained the International Health Qigong Duan certificates. During the implementation, some problems were also appeared. In order to further improve the regulations, make it closer to the practical operation requirements, in line with the current status of the development of the international Health Qigong and the needs of member organizations, some amendments proposals are put forward, and have been submitted to the IHQF Executive Board for approval.

The focus of this revision are as follows:

I.              The composition of the evaluation groups is distinguished by different Duan levels. More detailed differences of the number and qualification of the evaluation groups are clarified. This adjustment is conducive to the member organizations to organize the Pre-Duan level and Junior Duan level exams by themselves.

II.            The optimization of the requirements for the applicants for the health Qigong Duans:
(A) to clear the time requirements for Pre-Duans, and make an organic link between the Pre-Duans and the Duans.
(B) to clear the prize results are valid for three years.
(C) considering the differences in the scope of the theoretical examinations of Duan 4 to Duan 6, the passing mark of the theoretical examinations from Duan 4 to Duan 6 are all adjusted to 60 points.
(D) to reduce the academic level requirements for Duan 7, delete the teaching and judging requirements for Duan 7.

III.           Add some notes on the make-up exams.

Annex: International Duan Evaluation System For Health Qigong - revised


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