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New Editions of Health Qigong General Textbooks Launched

On June 5, 2018, the new editions of two Health Qigong General Textbooks were launched in Beijing, China. A total of 36 persons attended the event including Mr. Chang Jianping, president of Chinese Health Qigong Association (CHQA), Ms. Xin Yi, vice-president of CHQA, several Health Qigong experts and media representatives. 


Mr. Chang Jianping gave a speech. He pointed out that the previous textbooks of Health Qigong Yi Jin Jing, Wu Qin Xi, Liu Zi Jue, Ba Duan Jin, etc. were only brief introductions to these Health Qigong exercises and lack of a deeper and systematic explanation to the technique and theory of Health Qigong. In order to meet the demands of all the Health Qigong practitioners, the CHQA has started the work of editing the new series of Health Qigong textbooks gradually since 2014, which is composed of The Introduction of Health Qigong, The History of Health Qigong, Health Qigong Yi Jin Jing, Health Qigong Wu Qin Xi, Health Qigong Liu Zi Jue, Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin, Health Qigong Tai Chi Health Preservation Stick, Health Qigong 12-Step Dao Yin Health Preservation Exercises, Health Qigong Shi Er Duan Jin, Health Qigong Mawangdui Daoyin Exercise, Health Qigong Dawu Exercise, etc.


Mr. Cui Lequan and Mr. Yang Bailong, the chief editors of the two new textbooks: The History of Health Qigong and Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin, introduced the books respectively and presented the signed books to the attendants as gifts.



It’s said that The Introduction of Health Qigong and Health Qigong Wu Qin Xi will be published in the near future, while the others are still under editing.  

(Words/pictures provided by Chinese Health Qigong Association)


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