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Health Qigong Trainer Development Program in Sri Lanka

Recently, a Health Qigong trainer development program was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Health Qigong Association organized the activity.

Sri Lanka Health Qigong Association organized a Trainer development program to establish and strengthen the Qigong movement in Sri Lanka. The main objective of the session was to give deep awareness of the Qigong principles and inspire the Qigong community. Further, SLHQA will organize a series of "Trainer Development Programs" and build the certified trainer pool in order to establish a sustainable Qigong development in Sri Lanka. 

At the event, Mr. Indrananda (President of China -Sri Lanka Cultural Arrairs) mentioned about the sustainable journey of SLHQA and he will be declaring an island wide Qigong week in July. SLHQA Secretary General Mr. Weerasinghe stated that, there are many programs are lined up similar to this in coming months.


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