IHQF Head Office Inauguration Ceremony
January 21st, 2017, International Health Qigong Federation (IHQF) Head Office Inauguration Ceremony was held in Beijing. Some members of IHQF Executive Board and IHQF Specialized Committees in Beijing, as well as the relevant people of the General Administration of Sport of China attended the activity.
Health Qigong promotion in Denmark and I
At the invitation of the Danish Health Qigong Federation and the Drekinn–Wushu Félag Reykjavik, Iceland, the Chinese Health Qigong Delegation went to the two countries for a 12-day Health Qigong promotion and advocacy activity from September 15th to 26th.
The First Asian-Pacific Health Qigong In
The first Asian-Pacific Health Qigong instructor training class, hosted by the International Health Qigong Federation and undertaken by Singapore Qigong Shi Ba Shi Association
The Second European Health Qigong Instru
A grand opening ceremony for the second European Health Qigong instructor training class, hosted by the International Health Qigong Federation and undertaken by Portuguese Chinese Wushu Federation, was held on October 22
The Second American Health Qigong Instru
On June 2, 2013, the second American Health Qigong instructor training class was formally opened in Toronto, Canada. The 6-day training class, hosted by Chinese Health Qigong Association, and undertaken by Canada International Wellness Culture Association, c
The Debut of Chinese Health Qigong in Br
With the guidance, assistance and substantial support from Chinese Embassy in Brazil, and Consulate-General in Rio de Janeiro and in São Paulo