Routine 1 Xu Exercise
Hold highs high with palms upward and stay at waist, stand still and turn left (right), gently thrust the right (left) hand to the left (right), exhale with Xu word and keep eyes wide opened. Hold back palm to inhale and turn back, then turn over and thrust the palm.
Movement gist: shoo it out and exhale from tongue, stand still and thrust the palm, point to the left (right) side in level with shoulder height, and turn around for 90 degrees.
Common error: non-coordination between thrusting palm and expiration, oblique or too high in direction, lean forward or sit back when turning around, and not well balanced in gravity.
Correction: to begin and end thrusting and exhaling at the same time, firstly thrust due east when turning southward, stabilize body with feet to keep upright, thrust palm to level with shoulder height.
Role: Xu exercise corresponds to liver and can modulate liver and improve eyesight, rotation of waist and knees can help digestion and dredge Dai meridian of human body.
Routine 2 He Exercise
Bend knees to thrust palm down forward, withdraw arms, uphold palms and look at the palm center, stand up with palms to bosom, turn hands over, thrust down with a he...he... sound. Thrust palms to navel and squat slightly, rotate palms inward and turn over the centre of the palm, slowly pull arms forward to make a circle, uphold palms with outward turning and then rise.
Movement gist: thrust down to exhale with a he...he... sound, touch teeth with tongue edge and upwarp the tongue, breath out through the tongue and palate, keep exhaling until palms are pushed outward.
Common error: uphold hands absent-minded; bend knees, chin up, and chest out.
Correction: look at Lao Kung when upholding palms, keep head down and the check slightly inward when bending knees.