* 2022.6.30,全日本健身气功联合会 All Japan Health Qigong Union
Participated in the 3rd Tokyo International Wushu Festival and Japan Health Qigong Exchange, more than 150 people performed Health Qigong.
* 2022.6.29,全日本导引养生功联盟 ALL Japan Daoyin Yansheng Gong Association
导引养生功12法讲习会 Daoyin Yangshenggong 12 Fa training
* 2022.6.25-26,圣马力诺武术体育协会 San Marino Wushu Sport Association
Taijiquan and Qigong training classes, teaching Health Qigong·Da Wu.
* 2022.6.25,马来西亚健身气功总会 Malaysia Health Qigong Association
Malaysia Health Qigong Association successfully held 2022 General Meeting on June 25th. At the same time, the 6th World Health Qigong Day 2022 with the theme of "Together under the Same Qi" was promoted.
* 2022.6,新西兰 New Zealand
坐姿五禽戏培训Seated Wuqinxi class
* 2022.6.19,新加坡气功十八式协会 Qigong Shi Ba Shi Association (Singapore)
Due to the pandemic, The 1st group exercise was held after 2 and a half years. Altogether there were 350 participants.
* 2022.6.18,全日本健身气功联合会 All Japan Health Qigong Union
联合练习Group exercise
* 2022.6.14,法国东方文化传播中心 Les Temps Du Corps
The last year training of the Qigong Meditation School for grade 3 was finished in 3 days on weekends. Students completed their dissertations. Singers, artists, medical personnel and psychologists explained the relationship between Qigong culture and emotion management, life awareness and creative thinking from various perspectives.
* 2022.6.14,英国健身气功协会 British Health Qigong Association
Suspended for two years, the UK National Taijiquan Health Qigong Competition resumed in London, attracting taijiquan and Health Qigong fans from all over the UK to participate. The British Health Qigong Association, as the main organizer and participant, sent nearly 20 athletes to take part in the event, and won 23 medals.
* 2022.6.14,留尼汪龙山协会 Association Long Shan (Reunion Island)
June 14, World blood donation day on Réunion Island, the team members of Association Long Shan participated in voluntary blood donation on that day, and promoted and introduced Health Qigong at the local activity site.
* 2022.6.11,摩洛哥阿尔凯佐兰文化体育发展协会 AL KHAYZOURANE Association
As part of the promotion of Health Qigong in Morocco, Al Khayzourane Association made Health Qigong shine during the Global Wellness Day celebration on June 11, 2022. This event, which is organized by the Mohammed 5th University of Rabat, included several Wellness practices.
* 2022.6,玻利维亚健身气功协会 Health Qigong Association Of Bolivia
组织健身气功培训 Health Qigong training
* 2022.6.5/2022.6.22,中国内蒙古自治区健身气功协会 Health Qigong Association of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China
Inner Mongolia Health Qigong Display and Hulun Buir Friendly Exchange Activity of the 2022-2023 China-Russia Sports Exchange Year was successfully concluded in Erguna on June 5 and in Yakeshi on June 22. The people who participated in the activity included 80 years old people, as well as eight or nine years old teenagers.
In the form of Health Qigong study tour, with the theme of Da Wu proposed by the China-Russia Sports Year, and with the content of training and performances, different forms and different scales of activities were carried out in Hulunbuir, China, and Chita, Russia.
* 2022.6.2-6.5,斯洛文尼亚健身气功协会 Slovenian Health Qigong Association
Slovenian Health Qigong Association held the 38th Taijiquan and Qigong camp that took place in the beginning of June 2022 by the beautiful Slovenian Adriatic seaside. The participants have been practicing Health Qigong·Dawu for four days, 5 hours a day in the embrace of the the healing pine trees and the sea.
* 2022.5.28-6.11,英国健身气功联合会 Health Qigong Federation UK
The Health Qigong Federation UK took the opportunity of the queen's 70th Jubilee celebrations to actively promote and disseminate Chinese culture. As a special symbol of traditional Chinese culture, Health Qigong was invited to participate in a series of multicultural activities held in many places, which added a beautiful scene to the celebration of her Majesty's 70th anniversary of her accession to the throne.