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Sovereign-Minister Harmonious Interactio
Heart looks upon as the sovereign while the kidney as minister.
Sovereign-Minister Harmonious Interactio
In short, the sovereign-minister harmonious interaction is a state reached by the organs of the body in the practice of Health Qigong, namely, “achieving quiet to the extreme of move, quiet bringing forth yin, and achieving move to the extreme of quiet.
Sovereign-Minister Harmonious Interactio
In relative to the the routine of “swinging the head and lowering the body to relieve stress”, the external body movements of this routine of “thrusting the fists and making the eyes glare to enhance strength” are almost motionless.
Sovereign-Minister Harmonious Interactio
Healthy internal is the basis to prevent the external, which is a very important point in the long history of the Chinese national culture of fitness regimen. At the same time, it is also widely applied to various fields of social life. Of course, this view is also a thinking tool to guide the practicers to recognize and understand the theory and methods of Health Qigong.
Strengthening the Foundation and Energiz
To sum up, movement methods of this routine "Strengthening Kidney by Touching Feet with Hands" are not complicated, and the dialectical thinking method embodied in its spirit is the inexhaustible source of life and wisdom treasure of fitness regimen of the exercisers.
Strengthening the Foundation and Energiz
The design of the movement forms in this routine embodies the dialectical thinking method of movability and balance, so as to achieve the goal of strengthening and cultivating the congenital origin.

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