2022-9-10 COUNTDOWN
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On Teaching Methods and Techniques of Health Qigong(Ⅰ)
Comprehensive and sufficient preparation is the precondition of Health Qigong lesson.
The Learning and Practice of the XI Exercise
XI Exercise is the last exercise of Health Qigong • Liu Zi Jue. The body movements are large-scale, and its main function is to regulate the triple energizers. Making the sound of XU can release and discharge the foul smell, and the large-scale movements are also designed for conditioning the triple energizers.
The Learning and Practice of the CHUI Exercise
Wei Sheng Ge (Health Song) written by Sun Simiao said, “Practicing XI Exercise in the autumn and CHUI Exercise in the winter is beneficial to the kidneys and lungs”. According to the relationship of generation among five elements, Sun Simiao re-adjusted the correspondence between Health Qigong • Liu Zi Jue and the internal organs. Corresponding to the kidneys, CHUI Exercise
Teach You How to Practice the Stance Exercise(Ⅲ)
For the beginners, the processr of elaxing and imagining is the process of practicing the stance exercise. Along with the furth practice, exercisers can adjust the postures naturally in the process of visualizing, so the stance exercise means standing lively, instead of standing in a rigid, silly and dull state. The more relaxed the various parts of body are, the better the effects of exercising. If the exercisers can feel soft under their feet, and integrate the feet with the floor, that is right. The beginners must focus on the relaxation and imagination, then the heart is naturally quiet, breath becomes smooth. Thus the body will become soft and relaxed, the body and mind can be relaxed.
Teach You How to Practice the Stance Exercise (Ⅱ)
Natural form: Stand naturally, open the feet horizontally, which is about shoulder width and shaped like 11, open the fingers and hang the hands naturally on both sides of the thighs, tighten the knees and then relax them. The head is straight.
Teach You How to Practice the Stance Exercise(Ⅰ)
The stance exercise is contained in all methods of Health Qigong, such as the movements in the preparation position and close form of each set of exercises. If the exercisers can enhance the stance exercise, it will get twofold results with half the effort. Characteristics and functions
The Learning and Practice of the SI Exercise
Orthodox Collected Taoist Scriptures • Cavity God Volume (Zheng Tong Dao Zang Dong Shen Bu) written in the Ming Dynasty said, "The SI Exercise is related to the lungs, which connect the internal organs”. People usually have a stuffy nose when catching cold and the SI Exercise is a good way to treat the diseases. “It has pointed out that the SI Exercise can discharge the foul smell of the lungs and regulate the functions of the lungs. The SI Exercise exactly corresponds to the lungs. The expiration and inspiration, as well as the body movements of the SI Exercise are mainly designed for the lungs.
The Learning and Practice of the HU Exercise
The main function of HU Exercise is to regulate the spleen. Pronouncing the word HU can discharge and remove the foul smell of the spleen. The expiration and inspiration, as well as the body movements of the HU Exercise in Health Qigong•Liu Zi Jue are mainly designed for the spleen.
The Learning and Practice of the HE Exercise
Traditional health science believed that the main function of the HE Exercise is to regulate the heart. The He Exercise can discharge and remove the foul smell of the heart. The expiration and inspiration and Tao Yin of the HE Exercise in the Health Qigong • Liu Zi Jue are mainly developed around the heart.
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